Do our massage chairs work?

If you’ve ever dealt with any kind of chronic muscle pain, you understand stiffness and the pain that it can bring. Thankfully, technology has come a long way to provide relief from these symptoms, and one of the best choices among them is of course the massage chair. If you are not used to full-body, deep tissue massage, we recommend starting with shorter sessions will be the best place to begin. But what does a shorter session entail and how often a day or week can you enjoy them?

Let’s dive into that now.

How Often Should You A Massage Chair?

The recommended time to spend in a massage chair at any one time is fifteen minutes, and we know that doesn’t seem like long. When you’re dealing with a lot of pain it can be tempting to sit there for longer, but when you’re just starting out it’s best to stick to the 15 minutes.

The saying, “Everything in moderation” definitely applies to this situation. Too much time spent receiving a deep tissue massage can bruise your muscles, particularly if you have just started getting used to a massage chair. It can even damage and cause inflammation in the body’s soft tissues, as well. We don’t want that.

Most models have an automatic timer on them to ensure that you do not go over a certain time limit. Some will have massage programs that will shut off after so long. If it doesn’t or the program you’re using isn’t timed or the right time, just set yourself a timer on your phone, microwave, etc. to ensure that you stop after too long. It’s important to have this timer or alarm because reclining in a massage chair can be so relaxing that you’ll actually fall asleep!

While it may feel so incredible that you want to stay all day in the chair. In reality, that of course would not be practical, but it also would not be safe to do. Plus, this may seem strange to hear, but there is also no added benefit to using the chair for longer periods of time in one day. A massage chair’s benefits are best achieved in shorter periods for a number of reasons.